Sunday, February 7, 2010

2nd February 2010 – 360 degrees brain spinning!!

We have a discussion at night at our house, where Amru and Zharif come out with an idea of membership card given to student to gain special privileges and benefit from certain company (AirAsia, McDonald, Al-Ikhsan and etc).

Then we spend the night discussing on our product core competency, competitor, and how to survive in the future. Zharif is drafting our executive summary by referring to the information required by the competition, which are the revenue model, competitor, product information, services and etc.

Then, Abu have set an appointment with his friend who is doing web design to calculate the cost for our websites. So, he agreed to help us and meet with us tomorrow night, (Wednesday, 3rd February 2010). Then we were helping Aliff on constructing the questionnaire for the research. Aliff have used the sample gave by Puan Roslina as a guide and as the result of our teamwork; finally we finished it around 3 a.m in the morning. We email it directly to her for advices.

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