Sunday, February 7, 2010

5th February 2010 – Freaky Friday

Today, we continue distributing the questionnaire to the student. We spread out and try to cover the student from each faculty where student area such as Dataran Cendekia, cafeteria and library is the target places. It was a very hot day in the noon, and after Friday prayer, it is started to rain really heavy. It has affected our activity plus it is Friday where student have less classes and activity today.
We continue the questionnaire thing at night, where it is a blessing for us because there is a show and student program which we also do not know (hehehe…) at Dataran Cendekia. There are a lot of college student and with the help of the rest of our housemates, we start distributing the questionnaire excitedly. We were able to finish around 100 questionnaires in only 1 hour!!and luckily for us, we were able to finish everything around 11 p.m.
Then, we went back home and start to create analyze to count the total number of feedback we got and make an analysis on it. Aliff is the one who in charge on making the analysis and Zharif will make summary from the information. Abu and Amru will be counting and helping Aliff and we stop around 3 p.m and decided to continue tomorrow.

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